Chemical Fertilizers

Timah Group Chemical Fertilizer Types

Chemical Fertilizers

Urea (%46N)

Urea (%46N)

Urea Product meta short description , CHEMICAL FERTILIZER | Order Now Urea (%46N) | timah group

AS 21

AS 21

Ammonium Sulfate is a fertilizer containing 21% ammonium nitrogen (N) and 24% sulphate (S) in the form of sulfate.

CAN %26 N

CAN %26 N

It is produced by adding lime to ammonium nitrate fertilizer to remove the negative properties of ammonium nitrate.

DAP 18-46-0

DAP 18-46-0

Diammonium phosphate (DAP) is the world’s most widely used phosphorus fertilizer.

Urea (%46N)

Urea (%46N)

Urea Product meta short description , CHEMICAL FERTILIZER | Order Now Urea (%46N) | timah group

AS 21

AS 21

Ammonium Sulfate is a fertilizer containing 21% ammonium nitrogen (N) and 24% sulphate (S) in the form of sulfate.

CAN %26 N

CAN %26 N

It is produced by adding lime to ammonium nitrate fertilizer to remove the negative properties of ammonium nitrate.

DAP 18-46-0

DAP 18-46-0

Diammonium phosphate (DAP) is the world’s most widely used phosphorus fertilizer.

Timah Group



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